

I am a research fellow at the University of Leeds studying the thermochemical evolution of Earth’s core.

πŸŽ“ Google Scholar
πŸ“ƒ CV
πŸ“ Leeds, UK

πŸ₯‡ Doornbos Awardee 2024
πŸ’Ž Chair of the Mineral Physics Group,
a special interest group of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland.

Planetary Mineral Physics and Geophysics

Β  Β  Β 
Research Themes Professional Service Publications

Hi, my name is Fred. Here you will find some details on my work and interests. My principal area of research is the key processes in the metallic cores and magma oceans of rocky planets which facilitate habitable conditions at the surface. I work within the Leeds Centre for Planetary Cores but collaborate broadly, so if you have ideas, I’m all ears! Feel free to send me an email or catch me at a conference. I am regularly at the AGU and EGU annual meetings and help organise the Mineral Physics Group Research in Progress meetings.

SEDI Some of the SEDI Committee (Mike Bergman, Mathieu Dumberry and Lauren Waszek) and the 2024 Doornbos prize winners (Felix Gerick, Alfred Wilson-Spencer, Laura Gobden and Daria Holdenried-Chernoff) at the 2024 SEDI meeting, Great Barrington, MA. [πŸ“· Steve Constable]